Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Spring Ideas

Spring is always the time of year I like to make resolutions. In New England it seems apropos to resolve to do something in the spring: people are coming out of hibernation mode, it's the time of year for spring-cleaning, there is way more daylight, which always is a motivator to me. This spring I would like to resolve to do the following:

~Make my first quilt. I've collected a bunch of vintage sheets and would like to recycle them into a simple quilt, maybe using this method.

~Finish my 3 sewing projects: a muumuu, the dress you see below on the dress form, and this skirt.

~Read voraciously.

~Learn to become more frugal. I really like the perspective on Kristen's post here re: thrifty versus frugal living.

~Redecorate the apartment in a vintage/retro vibe, which kinda flies in the face of the above resolution, I know, but I can't resist some amazing vintage curtains on sale from this sweet Esty seller: